CV | Pavel Chupryna
Pavel Chupryna

Pavel Chupryna

iOS Engineer 

Bilbao, Spain  ·  GMT+1

Pavel Chupryna

iOS Engineer

Bilbao, Spain  ·  GMT+1

LinkedIn: Pavel Chupryna
Telegram: @pashcal

🗝 Relevant keywords

Swift, UIKit, SwiftUI, Combine, SPM, Cocoapods, Fastlane, Firebase, Amplitude, as well as any other tools for designing and developing native iOS apps from scratch

✈️ Experience  // 10 years

Senior iOS Developer at Aviasales  // since Jun 2020

Currently, I work in a team responsible for one of the user flows in the app. To improve product quality, I write Unit tests and UI tests. For source code maintenance, I occasionally refactor legacy code or implement new approaches to improve performance and usability. Besides programming, I’m involved in various steps of feature development, from discussing UX/UI prototypes with designers to setting up A/B tests in production. Additionally, I bring relevant suggestions to the team to improve business metrics and enhance the user experience.

iOS SDK Developer at Electrolux  // Jul 2018 — Jun 2020

Developed and maintained an iOS SDK of the global Electrolux IoT Platform and maintained a technical application for internal use. Collaborated with backend developers, embedded systems engineers and consumer app developers. I designed and integrated new features based on the business requirements, aligning with the backend and Android teams. Handled onboarding of new hires and held discussions with stakeholders on any technical matter.

Furthermore, we faced issues with the technical application having different functionality and interfaces on both mobile platforms. This caused misunderstandings during testing of smart appliances, as well as confusion among consumer app developers about the supported functionality of the SDK. To address this, I led the development of a new technical mobile application. Designed a consistent interface for both platforms. Presented the concept to management, highlighting how it would enhance our product, and began developing the iOS app with a colleague on the Android team.

Xamarin.Native Developer at Notissimus  // Dec 2015 — Jul 2018

Maintained old projects and developed new mobile apps, mostly for e-commerce. You can find some of them in the agency’s portfolio. In addition, I handled the onboarding of new team members and discussed technical specifics of projects with product owners.

One of the major project I’ve participated in is the modular mobile app builder called AppRopio. We created a fully shared cross-platform core with JSON product setup and generative UI layer. Project was designed to configure an application from a web page and trigger CI pipeline to release a new version to the store.

Java Developer at Intetech  // Aug 2014 — Dec 2015

Developed and maintained MES/ERP web systems using Java Vaadin framework, noSQL databases and MQTT protocols. Collaborated with the oil and gas companies, providing enterprise application integration (EAI). Additionally, I conducted thorough on-site testing to ensure the quality and functionality of the software.

Independent Developer  // since Jan 2014

Sometimes I participate in various projects and hackathons with my friends. We have developed several apps for Android, Windows Phone, Windows PC, and the web, but that’s another story. Here is a short overview of the iOS apps for which I was fully responsible:

📚 Education

ITMO University & Universität Rostock

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Information Systems and Technology. During my studies, I covered a variety of subjects, ranging from philosophy, mathematics, and new programming languages to computer science, web development, and machine learning. Besides the courses, I made many friends and studied abroad for six months.


In my free time, I enjoy reading articles on iOS development, attending conferences and meetups, and keeping up with the latest development news, including WWDC announcements. Initially, my passion for learning advanced programming languages after school and creating my first mobile app had a significant impact on shaping my future career path.


English C1  ·  Russian L1

🤓 About me as a developer

Since school, I’ve been interested in programming contests and developing UI applications for desktop, such as tic-tac-toe or calculator, using Delphi. When I got my first smartphone, I began experimenting with mobile app development. After that, I loved creating products that you can touch without a mouse.

Since 2014, I’ve had time to experience many technologies while working on pet-projects, freelancing, taking classes at university, participating in hackathons, and working in the office. In mobile, I’ve tried native and cross-platform development for the top 3 platforms. I eventually settled on fully native iOS apps on Swift.

These days, I strive to make apps intuitive to use and have them solve real problem or simplify life’s routines. Internally, I create lightweight and scalable solutions with clear source code for more comfortable and productive teamwork.

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